Community and Services

House of Metamorphosis (HOM)

Community and Services


Cost Effective Ways to Help Employees

If you have employees with substance abuse problems, there are now 14 two-page informational briefs available for employers at the SAMSHA website. The briefs outline the benefits – including financial – of helping employees receive treatment for substance abuse. The information provided assists employers in making informed decisions. Some of the topics are:

  • Save your company money by assuring access to substance abuse treatment
  • What you need to know about older workers and substance abuse
  • What you need to know about younger workers and substance abuse
  • What you need to know about substance use and mental disorders
  • Save money by addressing employee alcohol problems
  • How you can support workers in recovery

The material includes quick facts, definitions, and helpful links – and it is free. Call SAMHSA at to order or visit online at: TBA

The following links provide some helpful pointers and starting points to find out more about available services in San Diego, National Resources, and general information on substances, addiction, mental health, and much more.

San Diego Access and Crisis Line
Call 211 (you can also use this number to find out how to get medications)
Community, Health, and Disaster Information
Dial 211 or visit:
San Diego Community Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): and
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and
San Diego Crystal Intergroup:
San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center:
County of San Diego
San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA):
San Diego Network of Care – Behavioral Health:
Federal Resources
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment:
Food and Drug Administration:
National Association of Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors:
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI):
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA):
National Institute of Mental Health:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
What a difference a friend makes – Substance abuse and mental health:
Additional Resources
A World of Prevention:
Al-Anon & Alateen:
American Psychological Association (APA):
California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS):
Cesar Center for Substance Abuse Research:
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA):
Drug Rehab Referrals:
Join Together:
Just Say No:
Moderation Management:
National Council on Problem Gambling:
Parents – The Anti Drug:
Rethinking Drinking:
Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Therapeutic Communities of America (TCA):
Therapist Finder for California:
Web MD:
Prescription Drug Information
Internet Drug Index:
NIDA on Prescription Drugs:
AIDS meds & Poz:
HIV Resources
Centers for Disease Control on HIV:
The Body – Complete HIV Resource:

Community Services Help Prevent Drug Abuse

Helping the community means just as much to us as rehabilitating drug abusers. It means increasing the public’s awareness about drug addiction and related problems. It also means counseling clients after completion of the program to help them stay drug free and healthy. Our community services include:

Day labor
24-hour substance abuse hotline
Drug awareness workshops
HIV/AIDS awareness seminars
Alumni NA meetings
Open house programs; i.e. dances, etc.
Substance abuse education seminars and presentations
Walk-in assistance
Referral services

House of Metamorphosis is committed to the prevention of substance abuse as we are to rehabilitation. We welcome the opportunity to conduct drug awareness presentations in schools, organizations, and for health fairs. Much of our work revolves around the residents in our program, but we take our commitment and responsibility to the community just as seriously.

Call us at (619) 236-9217 to find out more and how we can help your organization prevent drug abuse.

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